The writing is clear on the wall: The youth holds the key to success. A film starring a fresh pair, exceptional music and remarkable promotion can entice and lure viewers to cineplexes. That, in a nutshell, explains the terrific opening weekend business of I HATE LUV STORYS. Of course, you cannot overlook the marvellous contribution by Karan Johar and UTV, two names that are synonymous with qualitative cinema. They ensured that the film was talked-about and more than visible prior to its release.
It was a foregone conclusion that I HATE LUV STORYS would open very well at the ticket window. The rom-com radiated the right vibes and like most Karan Johar movies, the urban audience/multiplex junta was expected to give a warm reception to the film.
If you scrutinize the business of I HATE LUV STORYS, you'd realize that the metros and centres with plexes have contributed around 85% to 90% of its business. The contribution by the youth is overwhelming. The single screens haven't reacted well, but let's not forget that a film with an English title and classy treatment finds it difficult to penetrate into smaller centres or the mass-dominated belt. The Salman Khan starrer WANTED, a hardcore masala film, reaped a harvest from single screens, while MAIN AUR MRS. KHANNA, starring the same actor, was not only rejected at urban centres, but also single screens and mass-dominated areas.
Monday being Bharat Bandh, the plexes/single screens resumed screenings from evening shows onwards. Of course, the business was severely affected, but the general consensus is that the film will remain steady on weekdays and also in its second weekend at metros.
What goes in its favour is its economics. The film was made in a moderate budget and sold to UTV for an equally nominal price [Rs. 18 cr.; excluding P. & A.], who in turn sold the film to various territory distributors. Karan has recovered his investment, UTV too recovered the money invested in the film and made profits before its release and with a terrific start on hand, the territory distributors have won half the battle. The nominal costs on one hand and the excellent shares from plexes on the other should ensure a quick recovery for the buyers. In fact, everyone associated with I HATE LUV STORYS -- the producers, the principal distributor and the territory distributors -- is likely to earn from it, which is quite a rarity in today's times.
The title may be I HATE LUV STORYS, but the makers and distributors are chanting a different tune post its release: 'We luv luv storys'.